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What is food irradiation?
Food irradiation is a technology for controlling spoilage and eliminating foodborne pathogens. The result is similar to pasteurization. The fundamental difference between food irradiation and pasteurization is the source of the energy used to destroy the microbes. While conventional pasteurization relies on heat, irradiation relies on the energy of ionizing radiation. Food irradiation is a process in which approved foods are exposed to radiant energy, including gamma rays, electron beams, and x-rays. In 1963, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the irradiation of food to be safe. Irradiation of meat and poultry is done in a government-approved irradiation facility. Irradiation is not a substitute for good sanitation and process control in meat and poultry plants. It is an added layer of safety.
Are irradiated foods safe?
Yes, irradiated foods are safe. Irradiation makes meat and poultry safer by reducing the numbers of harmful bacteria and parasites. Food irradiation does not make foods radioactive. The radiant energy passes through the food. The food itself never contacts the source of the radiant energy. Irradiated foods are wholesome and nutritious. Nutrient losses caused by irradiation are less than or about the same as losses caused by cooking and freezing. Public health agencies worldwide have evaluated the safety of food irradiation over the last fifty years and found it to be safe. In 37 countries more than 40 food products are irradiated. In some European countries, irradiation has been in use for decades. In the United Stated, the Food and Drug Administration regulates food irradiation. In addition, food irradiation has received official endorsement from the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
No, this is a myth. The FDA has evaluated irradiation for 40 years and has found the process to be safe.Numerous scientific studies conducted around the world clearly confirm that there are no health problems or toxicity concerns associated with irradiation.
No. During the irradiation process, food moves through an energy field, but never touches the energy source and does not become radioactive. The amount of energy and type of radiation used to irradiate food is enough to kill foodborne bacteria, but it does not make the food radioactive, just as luggage does not become radioactive after passing through a security checkpoint at the airport. Many common items, such as cotton balls, adhesive bandages, baby bottles, and medical supplies are irradiated for safety. None is made radioactive.
What foods are irradiated?
The FDA first approved the use of irradiation in 1963 to kill pests in wheat and flour. To date, the FDA and the USDA have approved food irradiation for use on fruits, vegetables, spices, raw poultry, and red meats. How should I handle irradiated meat and poultry? Food irradiation is not a substitute for good sanitation and does not replace safe cooking and handling. Consumers should handle irradiated foods just like any other food and always follow safe food handling practices
U. S. Food and Drug Administration
U. S. Department of Agriculture
American Medical Association
American Dietetic Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization
U. S. Public Health Service
American Public Health Association
California Environmental Health Association
—and many more
for more information please read this Publication 7255 University of California
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